You may be able to cancel your order if you placed it within 1 day and it has not been filled by our warehouse team. To do so, please find your Order Confirmation Email and click "View Your Order" in the center of the screen:
You'll see an option to either Cancel or Reorder; click "Cancel" and then place your corrected order.
Your cancelled order should be refunded within 3-5 business days.
If you don't see the option to cancel your order, please reach out to our customer service team HERE as it's likely your order has been filled and can no longer be changed.
If you need to add a promotion code, make changes to your payment card or shipping address, it's best to cancel the order first and reorder with the updated information. Our team does our best to fill orders ASAP, so changes are not always possible after an order is filled.
If you need to make changes and your order has already been filled, our amazing Customer Service staff will work with you to process a return or new order.